Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Old Movies

I often turn on T.C.M. to get a break from the flash but no substance that so many of today's movies and T.V. shows are made of. I mean how many car chases, explosions and brutal killings does a show need to be successful? Alfred Hitchcock only requires two in his thriller "Psycho" but subjects the observer to the terror of his protagonist without overshadowing with excessive blood and gore.
It is the unknown, the psychological aspects of the murders in these movies that only some modern ones are able to approach, if not always equal. One that does is Silence of the Lambs, in which Dr. Lecter plays the FBI, his psychiatrist - Dr. Chilton and the distraught Senator Martin to his own ends. He voyeuristically gets Starling to share details of her own traumas, plays the F.B.I. against Dr. Chilton for a chance at a transfer to another facility and wallows in the details of the murders and kidnapping done by Buffalo Bill.
The suspense builds throughout these movies, building like a symphony to a crescendo and then like a dam bursting leaves you drenched in sweat ass you shiver in your seat. these movies and a few others are what elevates these from the mundane and makes them into works of art.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Flood of '08

Water has indulated vast areas of the inland/midwest. Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Kentucky and others. Some are saying that this is a 100 year, 500 year or even 1,000 flood, but what if its not? If global warming is shifting the jetstream and carrying more moisture from the gulf and pacific regions to the mid-west, might this not be signs of things to come?
It seems obvious that as much as we love living on the coast, along rivers and streams and at the lakes throughout our country,we are going to suffer tidal surges, floods, hurricanes and tornados. Maybe at high rates, greater intensities and increased levels of rainfall. If this is so, we need to change our building habits, choices of where to build and style of housing to meet these changing times.
With polaar icecaps, glaciers and the tundra melting, more water will be added to the seas and oceans. This will add to warming as winters become warmer due to not having a cold Siberian express pumping cold weather across the U.S. Leading to a possible inland sea extending from the Gulf coasts up the Mississippi, Ohio and Misouri Rivers.
As in other countries, we either build dikes or build on higher ground. Or we can stay where we are and build dome homes on stilts. This can raise a home above the levels of a flood of most proportians, decrease wind resistance during severeve storms such as Katrina or tornados that flaired up this year. Then all that we might lose would be our cars and laundry area/mechanicals which would be placed in the lowere level. These should be constructed of breakaway sections so that a surge can flow through/under a home and hopefully not effect the pilings/stilts and the living quarters on the second or higher levels

Friday, May 2, 2008

Lost Loves

We have many levels of love within us. The love that one person has for a lover, the love from one friend to another, or the love for one that meets both of those categories. The love of a parent for their child or to members of ones' family. You should consider yourself fortunate to have had one of these and blessed if you have had your love returned.
I have been lucky to have loved a number of women who at one time or another returned my affections. There have been brunettes, blonds, a redhead and at least one black haired, dark-eyed beauty. These women continue to reside in my heart to one degree or another and if they broke my heart or I broke theirs, our hearts have mended over time. I like to think that the tears that I shed became diamonds which decorate my heart as mementos of those loves.
Often I felt undeserving of the attention and affection which I was offered and accepted it while waiting for the laugh that I was sure was going to come. Waiting for someone to leave or say it was just a joke has a tendency to restrict a relationship and definitely caused at least one to fail. I hesitated, backed off and then regretted what I had lost. (I am happy that that person has found happiness, even if it is with another, and lives in Indianapolis now. I wish her well.)
I have also had loves that were platonic and have loved a number of people who I am proud to call my friends. Some have been there for me when I needed a friend and supported when I didn't see any positive kind of a future for myself. Some shared important events, trials or were met during journeys into foreign lands. (T.J. Thomas and his wife Karen - even after 30 years yo0u are still in my thoughts.) Thes are the ones who have in one way or another given meaning to my life and I am thankful for having known them.
To all of you, I hope you remember me fondly and I want you to know that you still reside in my memories and my heart. All my love to all of you.

Friday, April 25, 2008

motorcycle as alternate hybrid vehicles

Many manufacturers are using motorcycles as a base upon which to build hybrid or alternative vehicle choices to replace the cars that clog our highways and guzzle gas. Aptera, BMW, Cirbin and Carver are just a few of the companies that have such that are being designed or in production. Some appear to be standard 3 wheelers with one wheel in front and two in the rear. Others such as Aptera and Cirbin place two wheels in front and one in the rear.
What I find really interesting is how some of the companies have dealt with the problem of one of the rear wheels lifting off of the ground when running at speed. The Carver for example uses computer controlled hydraulics to "lean" into the corner, just like a two-wheeler. Neat huh!
